From playing a Muslim police officer who speaks five languages, to a tortured young woman who lives a secret life, to a razor-smart travel agent from India, actress Nazneen Contractor is one of today’s most versatile South Asian actresses in Hollywood. Her career has seen many milestone moments from playing the lead in the Stratford Festival’s production of Shakespeare’s ‘Pericles’ (2003), to primetime TV in ‘24′ (2010), ‘Rules Of Engagement’(2010) and ‘Revenge’ (2013 to 2014). Finally, she entered the realm of the big screen, the big budget films’ biosphere, by solidifying a role in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness‘ (2013), and the list goes on. There’s clearly no stopping the steadfast determination of this self-professed type-A Virgo who’s getting ready for the pending release of her latest flick, ‘Parts Per Billion’.
Born in Mumbai and raised in Nigeria, Nazneen attended boarding school in London before her family relocated to Toronto. She attended the Etobicoke School of the Arts where she trained both as a ballerina and as an actress, and upon graduating, she accepted a full scholarship to the University of Toronto where she pursued a masters in theatre and a double major in psychology and sociology. After one year, she bagged the female lead in Pericles, which set her passion for acting in stone, and following a fateful move to Los Angeles, her journey for creative and professional elevation soared. Suffice to say, she has never looked back.
During her visit to Toronto to attend ANOKHI’s 11th anniversary event this past February where she was honoured with ANOKHI’s Actor Of The Year, 2014 award, I had the pleasure of chatting with her at length about her various avatars as actress, wife and mother.
Read on . . .
You’re of Gujarati-Parsi descent. Tell me a little about your Parsi heritage as it’s not as commonly known to be of South Asian origin as Gujarati, Punjabi or Tamil, especially for the younger generations that are brought up in the West. I was amazed to read that there are only 150,000 Parsis in the world today.
Maybe less! I was raised very conscientious of my heritage. We were heavily involved in the Zoroastrian community. There are over 7,000 Parsis in Toronto and I was very much aware of my identity and my religion. What I didn’t realize growing up, because all of my friends were also Parsi, is how rare the religion is. The reason why the Parsi population is so small is because the religion was never patriarchal.If I was born into any other religion in the world I would choose Zoroastrianism again because I really believe in my religion and my culture. We are an extraordinarily tolerant religion. We do not believe that just because you are not Zoroastrian that you are not guaranteed a place in heaven. We were the first religion to introduce the duality of heaven and hell. We believe that God has given us free will to make the right choice in life. I fully believe in, and am very proud to be a Zoroastrian.

Your bio reads like an encyclopedia on world travel: born in Mumbai, spent younger years in Nigeria, attended boarding school in London, then moved to Toronto. WOW! How did this constant moving around help carve your perspective on your identity culturally speaking? I’d imagine it must have been both challenging and educational.
My father, at the age of six, was sent to boarding school in Panchgani. And he spent his entire schooling years, and then his job, away from his family. And I think he decided that when he had a family, the condition was that we all stay together. So any time we went anywhere, under any contract — we moved around for my father’s work — there had to be a house, school; everything for my mother, my brothers and me. He just wasn’t going anywhere without us. He told me many times, that his job as a father is to unconditionally love me, to educate me and to show me the world. Growing up, I experienced this for the first few years of my life. Once we made the move to Toronto, I would tell people that I grew up in Africa and London, and they would all sort of look at me. Sometimes I just wished that I was a Jennifer and had blond hair and freckles because it seemed kind of easier sometimes.
Easier in what regard?
Easier in terms of fitting in with girls at school; the social aspect of it. It was always mama and papa at home, Gujarati food and all that stuff. When I went into the world, I sort of felt unsure whether my ethnicity would be accepted and there were times when [PAUSE] children are just cruel sometimes.
How did you deal with that?
I learned to be someone else when I left home, and I think a lot of it [acting] reverts to that. I decided to really assimilate.
I changed the way I spoke, the way I dressed, where there was a school Nazneen and a home Nazneen. And it was just very natural for me. It felt like it was the only way I could be in two worlds and assimilate in these two worlds.
Define these two worlds as you saw and experienced them?
My parents very much wanted me to hold on to my faith and my identity. At the same time, I am going to school in the suburb of Etobicoke in Ontario with a lot of quote on quote “white” kids. It was definitely a struggle throughout my school years. There were a lot of internal fights with myself to figure out who I was and I think that, looking back, my parents really facilitated the assimilation by putting me through a lot of extra-curricular activities. I didn’t realize that these were planting seeds for what it really means to be a great actress.
Based on everything you have experienced, and just the duality of how you grew up, how did you come to terms with who you are as a cultural being today?
The older I get, the more I identify and take solace in my ethnicity and religion. I would define myself as a Parsi actress.
BEAUTY . . .
Some of the world’s most beautiful (and famous) people in entertainment history have been of Parsi descent. Namely: Freddie Mercury, Persis Khambatta and John Abraham, to name just three. If you were to pick one characteristic from each of them that, in your perspective, defines their unique beauty, what would each be?
I think all three of them have a very strong sense of passion that is so culpable that it communicated itself through whatever medium they chose and it transcended culture. That’s the most amazing thing — their passion transcended their own ethnicity, their own race and their own culture to reach millions of people worldwide. That’s what they all have in common.
This being our annual beauty issue, and since you’re gracing its cover as this year’s ANOKHI beauty personality, how did you feel when you were told that we chose you for this particular cover?
It felt surreal! First of all, I LOVE your magazine. I think that what you are doing is groundbreaking, original, and the fact that you have been doing it now for 11 years is a testament to the ingenuity and the force that is behind this. Being in your magazine, being on the cover, is like a huge landmark in my career.
Oh my, darling you bless us!
Emotionally, it feels completely surreal. I would be lying to you if I didn’t say as a child I fantasized about it. I fantasized about magazine covers, about movies; I was a dreamer. To actually have it happening is a gift! But it’s one I have worked really, really hard for.

And you get in this world what you put out there. Clearly, you have put it out there in the right manner so you’re receiving it in the right manner. And clearly, you have the patience to wait for it to actualize. That is the part of the challenge we have as humans, having the patience to wait for the fruits of our labour.
Yes! This industry is not for the faint of heart and if I told you that I never thought about quitting in the 10 years that I have been doing this, I would be lying to you. But the truth is, nothing gives me more joy so I continue.
Well, you’re following your passion just like Freddie Mercury, Persis Khambatta and John Abraham.
I love it! I can’t imagine doing anything else professionally that gives me the satisfaction, joy and fulfillment that I receive when I am acting.
And that’s why you keep doing it my darling and I’m going to talk a lot more about this but before I do, I want to ask you some beauty-related questions. What is your personal ideology of what beauty is, bearing in mind the world we live in which is filled with an overwhelming barrage of definitions and expectations?
When I have had a good night’s sleep, when I have had a kickass workout, when I am hydrated and when my stomach is full, THAT’s when I feel the most beautiful.
So that epitomizes the entire definition of beauty for you?
Physically speaking, yes.
All encompassing, what would be your definition of beauty?
That’s a good question. The first answer that comes to mind is my son. He is the definition of beauty to me right now. I look at him and I am like, “I know you are my kid but I’m lost in your face and your eyes.” My definition? It’s being centered, grounded, strong, spiritual and confident. Those are my definitions of beauty.
Three beauty must-haves?
1. Vegetable green juice every day.
2. A kickass moisturizer.
3. Under eye concealer. I never go anywhere without it.
Two beauty no-nos?
1. No smoking, and I say that as an ex-smoker.
2. No alcohol.
One beauty secret?
Coconut oil for your hair. That’s Indian coconut oil, not the stuff you get here. Do this at least twice a month. I put it in, put a towel over my pillow, sleep with it overnight and wash it the next day. I have no grey hair and every time I go on set everyone is like, “OMG! Your hair is so healthy and shiny.” It never breaks.
What do you see/feel is your most beautiful characteristic and why?
My capacity to love. I feel like I have a really big heart and I forgive really easily. My husband says it’s a good quality.
It is! You are here to live your life by your rules not by anyone else’s. That’s when people get lost. What do you see/feel is the most beautiful aspect of people around you physically, spiritually and/or professionally, and why?
The fact that they make me laugh and I just feel like if I don’t have a really good gut-wrenching laugh every day, the day is incomplete. I surround myself with people who see the humour in life, in every day, and make me laugh. My husband certainly does all the time. Sometimes for the most complex reason, sometimes the most stupid reason.
I love it! Who is the most beautiful person in the world to you and why?
My two-year-old son! It’s an easy answer. I only have one right now and he is the most beautiful person in the world to me. I am still in that stage of being a mother where I can’t believe that this beautiful little baby that grew inside me is now a person who talks, has ideas and expresses himself. I can get completely lost in him and the whole day can go and, for me, it’s a beautiful day spent.
Speaking as a mother of a 16-year-old son, that feeling will never go away.
I just love being out with him. Even if I don’t get anything else done that day, it’s still a great day.

Over our lifetime, the beauty industry has aggressively morphed from being generic product-centric, that is, all family members use the same products, to being a highly specialized product-centric industry. There’s a product for just about every finite target today: mature women, acne-prone skin, hypoallergenic formulations, men’s collections and the list goes on. I know from my perspective, I spend hundreds of dollars a month purchasing separate lines for my son and for myself, and I know that I am more the norm today than not. Do you think it’s good to have target specificity to this degree, or do you think it’s just an industry-wide money grab?
I think it’s a bit of both, as the industry has to find ways to further their bottom line but they are doing it by providing us with more variety that is specifically targeted for each skin type. I love the target-specific stuff as looks do matter in my industry and I believe in really taking care of myself in that respect. I feel like it’s a beautiful indulgence to go through my skin care regime in the morning and at night. I don’t really like the idea of cosmetic surgery and I don’t like the idea of Botox, so I really do have to take care of my skin. It’s also great to change your skin care regime. My mom worked at Holt Renfrew and that was my first job in retail also. So I was into that world even before I was an actress. I don’t think everyone needs to spend hundreds of dollars, as not everyone has that kind of disposable income, but everyone should do something for themselves in the morning and evening that works for them within their financial abilities, whether it’s a $10 drugstore version or a $100 department store version.
CAREER . . .
Let’s talk acting! You clearly knew that you wanted to pursue a career in the performing arts since you enrolled in a theatre high school, first as a dancer training in ballet and then finally as an actress. Bagging the lead role in Pericles at the world-renowned Stratford Festival (in Ontario, Canada) while still in university, you spent a total of two seasons at the theatre. From your training in high school to university and then on stage in professional theatre, there’s no doubt that you paid your dues from the onset. Up to this point in your career, what was your most valuable acting takeaway?
Stratford is this amazing facility where they have all these people to help you. They have voice coaches that not only help you project your voice mechanically, but they also get into the performance nitty gritty such as the textual verbs annunciation and delivery. I learned that it’s about trusting your instinct and understanding who you are when you’re playing a character just as much as who the character you’re playing is. That spells authenticity.

Outside of theatre, you’ve had quite a non-stop momentum with TV; ‘24‘, ‘Rules of Engagement’ and ‘Revenge‘ being the most well known. Was this foray from theatre to TV deliberate on your part or an organic progression?
I was very fortunate as I was one of those actors who got very successful opportunities very early on in my career. After doing two seasons at Stratford, I still wasn’t 100 per cent sure I wanted to be an actress as I had known nothing else but acting to that point. I fell in love with the theatre and loved performing eight shows a week. I also liked that it gave me [financial freedom] to move out of my house for the first time in my life. I got to that place where people spend their whole careers trying to get to but at the same time I knew, as a woman, that my opportunity to get in front of the camera on television or film was limited.
There is a small window — unlike men who can start at 30, 40 or even 50 years of age — and I understood that early on. No rose-tinted glasses for me so I knew my opportunity to get in there had to be soon. When I got the offer to do a pilot for Fox, I spoke to my agent about it, and aside from the financial aspect of it, he said, “You know Nazneen, you are an actress in Canada with very little TV experience and you are getting the opportunity to do a role as a series regular on a pilot for Fox. It is too good to pass up. You can do theatre even when you are 40 or 45. Women do that all the time.” It was a big risk but I agreed about the opportunity so I took it and the show didn’t go on television. I didn’t work after that for almost two years and then I booked the pilot for ‘The Border’ (2008), which changed my life.
I became a series regular on a TV show in Toronto and it was a big step up. I had done small roles on TV but it wasn’t like going to work every day. I learned so much about the lifestyle and the mentality of a series regular. It’s hard work! In what sense? You have to work with the same people every single day. You have to learn how to manage those relationships. It was a very intense time. That’s when I also met the man who would be my husband — Carlo [Rota]. It was like a growth spurt in my career, professionally and personally. And he really opened up my eyes about the possibility of going to Los Angeles and making it. He had worked in Canada a lot longer than I had and I definitely reached the conclusion that his move to L.A. was more logical.
Yes! I just came down to visit him a couple of times and it seemed like a lot of opportunities. The fact is that Los Angeles does the exact same thing as Toronto, just on a bigger scale. I thought that if I’m going to do this, I have to do it to my fullest potential. It was a huge risk as I didn’t work for six months. Then came the audition for ‘24′.
Yes, and you were in a whopping 21 episodes in that season. You played Anil Kapoor’s character’s daughter. Actors always tell me that every job they book, they learn a little more about themselves as actors, but when they have the opportunity to act alongside legendary actors, they feel like they have taken a master class in acting. Your experience in working with Anil Kapoor?
Here’s the thing, Anil is a legend in his own right, regardless of whether he did ‘24′ or not. I really felt being on the set was interesting because this was Anil’s first job in America and his first job doing television period, and it was my first real job in America. It kind of evened the playing field for both of us. He wanted to know just as much as I did. There used to be like 30 people in the scene, and he would have one line with four cameras to catch all the angles, and Anil would find every single one of those cameras. Technically in front of the lens, this man is flawless. That alone was such a great lesson to learn, watching him. He is a real actor’s actor. And he was very charismatic and charming. His very presence would garner attention.
Of the portfolio of TV series’ that you have worked in, which has been your favourite experience so far?
Anything I am working on at the moment is my favourite job.
The most challenging and why?
The most difficult thing I have had to do was the pilot that I did after Stratford created by Anthony Heinz. He wrote a six-episode series about an East Indian family travelling through the bible belt of America doing the same thing that Ali G does. So we meet real people who don’t think we are actors and we film what happens as all the actors are in character. I was away from home, in the middle of nowhere, and I would have to be in character for eight to nine hours a day. I was playing this extreme caricature of this young Indian woman and from the moment we got inside the moment, to the moment we got out, it was living and breathing that person around people that don’t know you are that person. We would stay in hotels that were way off the highways so we wouldn’t get caught as being actors. The conditions were just so hard, as we were living out of a bag six weeks at a time. It was definitely the hardest job that I have had to do.
Your film work hasn’t been any less credible. You worked in ‘Séance: The Summoning‘ (2011) where your performance was critically acclaimed with a best supporting actress award at WorldFest in Houston in 2012, for example. Was that your first professional acting award?
Yes! It was the first time I had won something. I mean I had been nominated for The Border at the Monte Carlo Television Festival, but it was the first time I won anything and it was actually a really surreal moment because the director and writer of the show went to Houston to accept the award. He called me early in the morning and left me a message saying, “Hey Naz, it’s Alex. I’m just about to get on a plane to Houston. You won best supporting actress, so congratulations!” I was like, “What? That’s great!”

On the topic of awards, you were also recognized at ANOKHI’s 11th anniversary awards show this past February with the Actor Of The Year, 2014 award. What did you think when you were informed of this honour?
It truly is the highest honour when it comes from my own people. It really is because there are a lot of us in the industry now. Every time I walk into an audition I see more South Asian people and that makes me so happy that there are more of us competing at this level. It doesn’t make me feel threatened. It actually makes me feel happy. If I don’t get the job, I want the other South Asian actor to get the job. I want the minority to get it. Getting the ANOKHI award was the biggest moment and I almost feel undeserving of it because I always want to achieve more. This is a real honour and a huge amount of encouragement that I am heading in the right direction.
A huge feather in your professional cap so far has been bagging the big budget, big screen movie, ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’. Was that the big a-ha moment for you that you’d turned the corner to that next road to progression, from theatre to TV to independent film to big-budget, commercial film?
To deny this as a feather in my cap when it has given me so much, would be wrong. It definitely is a huge benchmark and it’s something I’m going to have forever, but it’s just the beginning. It really is. Working with J.J. Abrams was something I can cross of my bucket list as I’m a huge fan of his work. I just did a TV show of his,’Person of Interest‘ (2014), as well. Everything he does is so interesting, intelligent and progressive. It was fantastic but I want more! [Laughs]
What’s next for you — more big-budget films or TV series? Back to theatre perhaps? What about Bollywood, you knew I was gonna ask that?
[Laughs] I would LOVE to go to Bollywood! I would tell Anil all the time, “Take me there!” Especially since Bollywood is doing some really cool stuff right now that I would love to be a part of. I am very fortunate to have representation that doesn’t see me as just a film actress, or a TV actress or a theatre actress. They don’t see me as just a comedic actress or a dramatic actress either. So, I get to go audition for everything and anything. I am still at that stage of building my resume even though I have won awards Your career thus far doesn’t read like the typical South Asian actor story of typecasting, narrowcasting and limited role availability.
What’s your take on this?
I am an actor so I don’t limit my mindset to being a South Asian actor, so to speak, because acting is a profession not an ethnicity. So I feel that that comes across in the way I audition so I get roles based on being the right actor for the job rather than because of my ethnicity. Having said that, to say there isn’t out there would be a lie as there is.
How do you avoid it?
You avoid it by being a good actor and representing yourself in a way that you can be anything. You do this by mastering your skills. In order to play diverse roles, you have to be a diverse person and think diversely. You cannot limit yourself based on what you think other people feel or think of you because then they have the control when it should always be something you own with conviction. My job at every audition is to go in there and give them a viable choice, a believable option, and that’s what I do each time.
So what do we have to look forward to this year from you as an actor?
I’m in ‘Parts Per Billion’, a film with Rosario Dawson and Josh Lucas. I think this is going to be coming out this year. It’s definitely going through the festival circuit this year at least. Then there is Person of Interest which will be coming out shortly.
You’re married to the very well-known, legendary Canadian actor Carlo Rota. I gotta ask you: how did a 20-something Indian girl and a 40-something Italian guy find something in common outside of working in the same career? This is not just a cross ethnic relationship but there’s a generation gap as well.
We have a lot of the same values. We both come from very family-oriented homes. We both grew up all over the world. We both have that cross-cultural connection. And we actually have a lot of beliefs in common and this was mutually apparent very early on for us. We have lived very similar lives; they were just a couple of decades apart.
How did you know he was the one?
I just knew the moment I met him.
No way!
Yeah! I’m really one of those people who work to get what they want. It wasn’t easy to get him but I got him!

I love it! Another gotta ask question: any grunts from the family, nuclear or extended, either about marrying outside of the culture or marrying a man 20 years your senior?
You know, when they first heard about Carlo, they were a little concerned about the age difference. I remember my father telling me, “He may be the best person in the world but the reality is, he is going to die before you and you are going to be alone. Are you prepared for that?” I was like, “If I have 20 amazing years of marriage, I would take that over 50 years of an okay marriage.” And once they met Carlo, they fell in love with him. They even take his side over mine. [LAUGHS]
You and Carlo, by default of your professions, are constantly travelling. How do you keep the connection solid in your relationship under these circumstances?
We have a rule that we don’t go longer than two weeks without seeing each other. We keep the lines of communication really open at all times. He is so great! He’s all about texting, calling, making the time to FaceTime, Skype and flying over to see me. Also, we both understand what we do for a living and we both understand what we need to do to make our marriage work and we just commit to it. That’s it!
What’s the sexiest thing about Carlo for you?
There’s a lot that’s sexy about him. What I was initially attracted to was his voice.
You are also a mother of a gorgeous two-year-old boy. How do you give your son consistency when both you and Carlo are away on jobs? What is your formula?
That’s a great question! All the things that we understand a child needs to feel safe, comfortable and prized, we ensure we provide. The one thing we do is to ensure that we don’t both be away at the same time.
But how can you control that in this industry?
When it cannot be avoided, we have lots of wonderful people to help us like our nanny who comes every day, Monday to Friday, between nine and six. She provides him with a schedule that I have implemented. So between our nanny, Carlo and myself, I feel all of his needs are met. During the week he has a very strict schedule and he loves it. He takes comfort in knowing what’s coming next and I take comfort in knowing what’s next for him.
From an overall relationship standpoint as a daughter, sister, wife and mother, what would you say is that one key to ensuring a successful and healthy relationship all round?
That’s a great question! For me, because of my personality, sometimes I have very strong reactions to things as I’m a very passionate person. So I think the key, for me, is to have patience. [LAUGHS] Taking that moment, whether it’s counting to 10 or giving yourself a couple of hours or doing whatever it is to not have that immediate reaction, is the key for me, and it works!
You’re definitely a “my body is my temple” kind of woman. You’re a yogi and a runner. What exactly is a yogi just so that it’s clear for those reading this who are not familiar with this practice. It’s more than someone who practices the physics of movement right?
Yes. I’m fortunate enough to belong to a studio with very talented teachers who not only give you an amazing physical workout but really train your mind with meditation, chanting and disciplinary focus. The teacher will be like, “Is your mind wondering? Bring it back. Bring it back into focus. Try to do this entire sequence looking at one spot. Try to do your entire sequence with your eyes closed. Look inside.” I crave that discipline, and it’s that word — discipline — that defines a yogi, which as you rightly say, is more than the physical practice of yoga. I crave structure, discipline and pushing my body and my mind to their extremes.
Because with it, comes clarity.
Yes! And running?
I live in L.A. so I can run outside 365 days a year. I live in the Hollywood Hills where there are trails, stairs and wildlife all around me. It’s the most meditative thing to do for me, to run in that environment.
What is it about your practices of discipline that give you that true overall clarity that gives you value and purpose to your life?
I think it’s by default of my personality. I am that list-making, control freak. I just take solace in doing what I set out to do, whether it’s on a daily basis or a life thing. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. Even if it’s small things like not losing my patience with my son today even though he is being really naughty. Little challenges like that.
The biggest health challenge for most people is keeping consistent with diet and exercise. Give me your top three tips in keeping consistent.
Discipline, routine and consistency
What is your star sign?
I am a Virgo.

Aahh! Earth sign; the sign of perfectionism.
No surprise as I’m typically type-A.
Our club is vast. [LAUGHS]
[LAUGHS] The important thing is, we get it done!
Amen sista! Who is Nazneen Contractor the woman?
My identity as a woman has never been clearer since I had my son. I feel like being a mother is the most womanly thing I have ever done. Not just being pregnant and giving birth, but being an actual mother is the most womanly thing I do, and it’s given me a connection and purpose in life that has put everything into perspective.
Who would you want to be in your most actualized avatar?
I look at my mom as a real benchmark for what it means to be a woman because not only is she an amazing mother and an incredible wife, but she is also this extraordinary friend to people around her. She is so selfless, so strong-willed and so independent. So if I could be like her — the woman that she is, or three-quarters of her, in my most actualized avatar of womanhood — it would be that. And I just want to be a great wife, mother and actress, and I want it all to work. That would be me in my own actualized form.
What a lovely thought! Looking back, if you could change any one thing, what would it be, and why would you change it?
I am a big believer in fate and destiny so I think that all the choices that I’ve made have led me to where I am today and I’m actually quite happy where I am today. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I haven’t made any mistakes that I regret. What I’m saying is that I think they have helped me become the person I am, so I wouldn’t change a thing.
Your life’s mantra?
Carpe diem.
First Published in Spring/April 2014, The Beauty Issue. www.AnokhiMedia.com.
Crew Credits:
Creative Director/Producer: Hina P. Ansari
Photographer: Andy Lee
Hair & Makeup: Anna Barseghian using TRESemmé Hair Care and Armani Cosmetics/Judyinc.com
Stylist: Jessica Albano
Photography Assistant: Maggie Walker
Photo Credits:
On The Cover: Nazneen is wearing the “Catianna” gown by Greta Constantine
Photo i: Dress, Vintage available at Magwood Vintage, $795 CDN; Corset, Lovesick Corrective Apparel, $380 CDN; Shoes, B by Brian Atwood available at Hudson’s Bay, $495 CDN
Photo ii: Dress, Greta Constantine “Fisha/K”, $815 CDN; Cuff, Rachel Zoe, $490 CDN
Photo iii: ‘Revenge’
Photo iv: ‘24’
Photo v: Dress, Greta Constantine “Miss Caterina”, $895 CDN; Cuff, J. CREW, $68 CDN
Photo vi: Dress, Andrew Majtenyi, Price upon request
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